Electrical Inspection Nightmare Is Scary…
Whether they're minor or major, electrical issues in a home are just plain frightening.
In our modern world we take electricity for granted and we're very dependent on it. So when you're buying a home it's easy to assume and expect that all the electrical outlets will work – and be safe.
But so often homes are found during inspections to have unsafe electrical conditions. These can come from many factors but many times it's due to the home owner thinking that they can do their own electrical repairs and installations.
In this case, here's an outlet with a live plug in it and loose wires hanging out the other side of it… certainly an unsafe situation.
Thanks to Sarasota Home Inspector, Tim Beavers, for sending in this picture.
Have you had a home inspector find an electrical inspection nightmare in a home you're buying?
Share your electrical inspection nightmare story in the comments.